Codes, Standards, Materials
Learn about the resources AMC has available for buyers, specifiers, designers, reviewers, and the general public. From our flagship Standard 107 that defines levels of quality, to our standard masonry fence details, to our workmanship site inspection services, AMC has the resources you need to be successful using masonry products.
AMG Standard 107
In an effort to define the quality of workmanship and materials, the Arizona Masonry Council has developed three levels of quality:
When used alone, this Standard is advisory, and its use is optional. When this Standard is included by reference in the Contract Document specifications, this Standard becomes a part thereof.
Click the PDF icon to download.
Bid Request
Looking for a licensed contractor to bid on your masonry project? Click the PDF icon to download the Bid request form and AMC will distribute it to all applicable members so they can contact you. AMC makes no recommendation of any member or their qualifications for your particular job. Click the icon to open an on-line form.

Additional Services
AMC provides additional educational programs to project owners, engineers, architects, and plan review authorities. Check out the descriptions of some of our standard programs. Contact AMC for more information, to inquire about additional programs, or to schedule a presentation for your team.